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Twinkle Paws: Musical Freestyle Foundations

In Twinkle Paws, we train foundations for canine musical freestyle:

circle spin, thru, positions, paw lifts, and heelwork (moving focus),

Handlers learn to use structured shaping to build behaviors, add cues to new behaviors, and incorporate props into training. We also practice simple transitions and combinations.

This class is open-enrollment. Students may start class at any time and there is no required class order. Every class meeting is a single, complete lesson with three topic focuses.. Content covered is appliable to brand new and more experienced students alike.

Class meets Saturdays @ 10 AM from February 3 to May 25.

No class on March 2. The class schedule is subject to change.

Prerequisite: Dogs must be able to share space safely with other dogs and people.

To fully train all behaviors covered in class, dogs must be able to work off-leash around other dogs.

Students may sign up for classes on an a la carte basis for $25/class meeting.


buy a 5-class package for $100.

The following is the planned focus for upcoming class dates. (Class topics are subject to change.)


3: stand in position, paw lift, find heel

10: spins, circles, pivots

17: thru, spin to position, moving focus

24: circle around a prop, bow, figure-8


9: reverse, middle, about-180

16: stand front/middle/behind, thru & spin combo, side-steps

23: stand in position, paw lift, find heel

30: spins, circles, pivots


6, 13, 20, 27

Class topics to be determined.


4, 11, 18, 25

Class topics to be determined.

Lisa kneels beside her dog bug, holding a treat in front of him.

Your Instructor

Laura Fennell

Laura Fennell
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